LIfe Group Discussion questions

In the Old Testament God established a covenant with His people. That covenant was expressed in terms of laws, rules and expectations that governed how God’s people should live and behave. Stuck in their traditional observation and understanding of the Old Covenant, the Jewish people were missing the point. When he came, Jesus embraced and fulfilled every possible element of the covenant. But then He took it to the next level. In His life and in His teaching, He completely changed the way God’s people understood God’s commandments. He introduced a New Covenant, and He promoted a way of living that nobody had ever imagined. His teachings flipped expectations upside down. His moral instruction worked from the inside out. He created a revolution by redefining religious ideas like ‘love’ and ‘blessing’ in ways that challenged and undermined the status quo. Jesus turned the world upside down and invited us into a different way to live.