Life Group Discussion Questions

Luke 23:26 – Luke 24 takes us on a profound round trip through the final events of Jesus’ life.  It begins with Jesus being condemned to death and led away to be crucified.  As Jesus is crucified, he prays for forgiveness and extends the promise of paradise to a believing criminal.  Darkness envelops the land, and Jesus breathes his last breath.  His death leaves an indelible impact on those who witness it.  Then, the story takes an unexpected turn as it comes full circle.  On the third day, they encounter an astonishing sight, a rolled-away stone and an empty tomb!  Two radiant figures appear before them, heralding the triumphant news of Jesus’ resurrection.  Jesus continues to guide their journey, appearing to two disciples on the road to Emmaus.  It is not until he breaks bread with them that their eyes are opened, and they recognize their resurrected Lord.  Jesus enlightens them with understanding, illuminating how his death and resurrection were foretold.  He commissions his followers to embark on a worldwide journey, preaching repentance and forgiveness of sins to all nations.  With a blessing, he ascends to heaven, marking the completion of his earthly journey.  This journey through Luke’s Gospel highlights the fulfillment of prophecies, Jesus’ redemptive sacrifice, and his ultimate victory over sin and death.  It serves as a transformative foundation for the ongoing voyage of the Christian faith.